

管理员 2023-05-26 07:55:20 网站建设 16 ℃ 0 评论 2032字 收藏



With the development of databases, Redis has become a popular and powerful distributed database. For example, its widely used in social platforms such as Weibo, GitHub, and others. As a result, many programming languages have released a related operating library. And hiredis is one of the most widely-used plugin libraries of C language. In this paper, I will explain why it is easy and convenient to use hiredis as Redis operation library.

Firstly, hiredis has a simple C API and implementation that are highly compatible with the latest version of Redis. It is written in the way to be very fast and avoids the overhead of passing information back and forth. It supports almost all the features of Redis and its data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets and so on. As such, it is quite easy to read and write data in or out of Redis using hiredis library and C language.

Secondly, hiredis has a strong and complete function. Hiredis greatly simplifies the process of manipulating Redis data. For example, in order to manipulate Redis data, you can use the following code to set a hint and get a hint from Redis.

//Set a hint

redisContext *c = redisConnect(“host”, port);

redisCommand(c, “SET mykey %s”, “Myvalue”);

//Get a hint

char *value = malloc(1024);

redisCommand(c, “GET mykey”, value, 1024);

Finally, hiredis is faster than other Redis plugin libraries. It has optimized data reading speeds and improved overall performance significantly. Therefore, easier and faster data manipulation could be achieved by using hiredis library.

In conclusion, hiredis is a very easy to use yet powerful C language Redis library and is becoming increasingly popular as a Redis operation library. It has a simple yet powerful API and great read/write performances. So if you are looking for a C language Redis solution, hiring is one of the best options.







