
数据C语言实现从SQL Server中获得数据

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数据C语言实现从SQL Server中获得数据

Data C Language is a powerful and professional language which is used in different programming scenarios. It can be used to interact with databases such as SQL Server and retrieval of data from there. It gives a great power to the software developers who can use it to develop applications that have a great demand in the market today.

There are many ways through which we can get data from the SQL Server. But using Data C Language to access data from SQL Server is one of the best and the simplest way. It’s an efficient way to process data without writing the lengthy and complex queries.

Let us consider a simple example to understand how a Data C language can be used to access data from the SQL Server. Here, we will fetch data from a table named “Employee” which will include the columns ID, Name, and Salary.

Below is the code snippet which is used to retrieve data from the SQL Server in C Language:




int main()


sqlite* db;

sqlite_open(“EmployeeDataBase.db”, &db);

sqlite_stmt* stmt;

sqlite_prepare_v2(db, “SELECT ID,Name,Salary FROM Employee”, ⑴, &stmt, NULL);

while( sqlite_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW )


int id = sqlite_column_int(stmt, 0);

char* name = sqlite_column_text(stmt, 1);

int salary = sqlite_column_int(stmt, 2);

printf(“%d | %s | %d\n”, id, name, salary);




return 0;


In the above code snippet, we can see that the first part is the header part which includes the header files such as stdio.h and sqlite.h. Then, in the main function, we can open a database connection with the database name and open the statement object. After that, the select query is written and this statement will be used to get the data from the database.

Then, we use the sqlite_step function statement to iterate the result rows and store the data in the variables. And at the end of the program, we close the statement and database connection.

Thus, we can see that the Data C Language can be used to access databases such as SQL Server. It’s a popular and efficient way to fetch the data without writing lengthy queries. It is the best candidate for developers who are looking to access data from the database in a quick and efficient manner.


文章标题:数据C语言实现从SQL Server中获得数据





